My tiny nephew Andrew, whose now just 3 years old, was born with hearing impairment in one ear. Early detection and early intervention programs like those offered by the Shepherd Program were absolutely amazing in assisting Andrew in his development. My nephew adores music, loves to sing, and already is a budding musician. All testament to the amazing the programs offered by the Shepherd Foundation!
Every year 1 in 1000 babies in Australia are born deaf and hearing loss is the most common disability among children.
So let’s get loud this Friday 18th October and help The Shepherd Centre support families of children with hearing loss.
To donate simply visit https://shepherdcentre.org.au/support-us/donate/
Of course you can share your LOUDEST images of support via social media using the hashtag #LoudShirtDay and tagging @ShepherdCentre and @LoudShirtDay on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.