by Katherine Mair | Jul 14, 2016 | Life, MAD Blather
My favourite days are the ones when I’m in charge of getting my daughter ready for school. She’s five and this is her first year at school. I love the mornings with her for a glorious raft of reasons. But there is one reason that has struck me quite powerfully in our...
by Katherine Mair | Mar 2, 2016 | MAD Blather, Study, Work
When we go to school, we’re encouraged to apply ourselves. After all learning happens through practice, exploration and application. When a student applies him or herself, they uncover their potential, hone their skills, build their abilities and experience...
by Katherine Mair | Jan 14, 2016 | MAD Blather, Work
As the year kicks into gear, the tension between planning and doing can leave us feeling a little torn. For many of us planning can feel exacting and tedious. The desire to just get on with things can present an overpowering and irresistible urge. Planning can seem...
by Katherine Mair | Jan 3, 2016 | General, Life, MAD Blather
In the wake of the New Year there has been much written about resolutions. Setting them. Not setting them. Questioning the fundamental concept of ‘new’. Exploring the unacceptable. We’re all different. So it makes sense we all have a different take on the transition...
by Katherine Mair | Dec 16, 2015 | General, Life, MAD Blather
It was a crazy morning. Not so much what was going on outside. But inside. Mind racing. A terribly anxious feeling in my gut. That awful, free floating, up in the air kind. I’d had several hectic weeks and a to-do list that felt completely overwhelming. But this...
by Katherine Mair | Dec 10, 2015 | MAD Blather
My daughter came home from pre-school and said; “I have to start eating sandwiches. Big girls eat sandwiches and you have to get used to them.” Over lunch, she’d told her Pre-School Director she didn’t like sandwiches and this was how she had responded. My...